

We believe there is a current problem in New Zealand involving New Zealanders and their knowledge towards the Māori culture. We, Mātauranga Games set out to reduce this problem and aim to enhance the Māori culture and language throughout the nation. 



New Zealanders do not know enough about New Zealand's rich Māori history and basic Te Reo language. People are forgetting the foundations of their own country. Basic Māori language is starting to be taught less from a young age and is rarely taught again after High School, something needs to change. We want to solve this problem and make New Zealanders more knowledgeable about the Maori culture and language, as it is one of New Zealand's official languages.



We, Matauranga Games, have created Whitu Cards to help towards solving this problem. Whitu Cards is a fun and educational Māori based card game that teaches New Zealanders basic Māori colours, numbers, and legends. The game contains 104 colourful cards with different Māori symbols and images. Within a pack of Whitu Cards contains 3 Māori God/Legend cards, each containing there own unqiue moves relating to their mana. A Whitu Cards pack will also make those family game nights more fun and unintentionally educational  

